Psychological testing for students with school challenges.

Your student is struggling in school. But, you’re unsure of what to do or how to help.

When you have knowledge about your student’s specific skills and guidance about what to do next, you’re empowered as a parent.

Student Success Psychological Services offers testing to help you understand your student’s emotional, behavioral, and learning strengths and needs and ways to provide support. We specialize in assessing anxiety, ADHD, and academic/behavior challenges.

Our Approachable Testing Services



We engage in open communication with you throughout the testing process to promote mutual understanding. Our written descriptions of your student and explanations of test results are easy to read and comprehend.


We collect only the information that is necessary to address your concern(s), rather than overtesting your student. Our written reports include only the most meaningful, relevant, and useful information about your student.


We highlight your student’s individual strengths and successes. We focus on recommending realistic, research-based supports and immediate actionable steps to help your student succeed.

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Psychological assessment involves gathering information from different sources (e.g., parent, teacher) using different methods (e.g., interview, rating scales) to gain a better understanding of your student’s functioning across different settings (i.e., home and school). Depending on the reason(s) for testing, student need(s), and overall goal(s), any of the following methods may be used:

  • Records review

  • Parent interview (intake session)

  • Teacher interview

  • Student interview

  • Behavior observation

  • Cognitive (IQ) testing

  • Academic achievement testing

  • Social, emotional, adaptive, developmental, and behavioral rating scales

Our Process



During the online intake session, we’ll discuss your student’s records (e.g., previous testing, grades) and ask questions about your student’s developmental, health, and educational history. Based on information obtained during this session, an appropriate testing plan with pricing will be developed and discussed with you.


Student interviews, tests, and observations will take place at our physical office. The test instruments used and the length of the testing session will vary, but most sessions last 2-4 hours. Parents and teachers will be asked to complete online rating scales, as needed.


Tests and rating scales are scored, and all the information is carefully examined to generate a description of your student’s strengths and challenges, as well as recommended supports. This is summarized in a written report that may contain a diagnosis.


During the online feedback session, we’ll review the results of testing, answer questions, and discuss recommendations for home and school supports. This session may include your student’s teacher(s) and/or school team to promote home-school collaboration.

Have questions about psychological testing?