Skills training and therapy for students with ADHD.
Your student’s difficulty with academic motivation, attention, and time management is discouraging. You’ve tried everything to get them to focus on their schoolwork, follow directions, and finish tasks, but nothing seems to work. They hate school and feel like a failure.
When your student has the skills to manage their own thoughts, emotions, and behavior, they have more successful school experiences. When your student has ongoing support with solving problems and seeing the best in themselves, they feel more confident in their abilities.
Student Success Psychological Services offers executive functioning skills training to help your student learn important skills for self-regulation, interacting with others, and accomplishing goals. We also offer cognitive behavioral therapy to help your student cope with strong feelings, change self-critical thoughts, and overcome challenges.
Who We Help
We help students who are experiencing the following:
Inattention: makes careless mistakes, loses things, is easily distracted and forgetful, and/or has difficulty remaining focused, staying organized, starting and completing tasks, and following directions
Hyperactivity/impulsivity: fidgets, talks a lot, blurts out, is overly active, interrupts others, acts without thinking, and/or has difficulty waiting and staying seated, quiet, and still
Related Concerns
Academic problems
Challenging behaviors (e.g., defiance)
Low frustration tolerance
Poor self-esteem
Difficulty with peer relationships
Negative interactions with parents and teachers
How We Help
Executive Functioning Skills Training
Executive functioning skills training (or self-regulation skills training) focuses on teaching your student how to gain control of their emotions, attention, and behavior. It involves direct instruction, learning activities, modeling, role play, and/or feedback to support your student in learning and applying skills and strategies to
Recognize their own and others’ feelings
Cope with difficult emotions and situations
Develop and maintain relationships with others
Solve problems
Make responsible decisions
Plan and organize tasks and materials
Improve time management, sustained focus, and self-monitoring
Implement a personalized reinforcement/consequence plan
Executive functioning skills training is often combined with behavior therapies and home/school collaboration and consultation to increase effectiveness.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT, is a structured approach to counseling that can be helpful for treating concerns that are related to ADHD (e.g., anxiety, low self-esteem). CBT is considered a short-term, collaborative, goal-oriented type of therapy that focuses on current difficulties and moving forward towards better coping. It involves
Identifying and changing unhelpful thinking patterns and behavior
Learning relaxation strategies, stress management, and practical problem-solving skills
Developing a greater sense of confidence in one’s abilities to overcome challenges
Signs of Success
Coping and problem-solving skills
Social stress
Academic avoidance
Feelings of frustration and overwhelm