Educational coaching and consultation for students with academic challenges.

Your student is falling further behind in school. But you’re lost when it comes to teaching your student essential learning skills and getting them the help they need to succeed.

When your student is encouraged to see their learning strengths, set academic goals, and solve problems using effective strategies, self-confidence and school enjoyment increases. When you have support from an educational consultant, school planning and problem solving becomes easier.

Student Success Psychological Services offers educational coaching to help your student learn self-motivation, self-advocacy, and study skills. We also offer educational consultation to help you navigate the school system and advocate for your student.

Who We Help

We help students who are experiencing challenges with the following:

  • Time management

  • Test preparation

  • Task completion

  • Motivation

  • Planning

  • Organization

  • Stress management

  • Academic achievement (in reading, math, and/or writing)

Related Concerns

How We Help


Educational Coaching

Educational coaching focuses on teaching your student the essential skills needed to learn and motivating them to achieve attainable academic goals. It involves encouragement, instruction, practice, accountability, and feedback. Coaches commonly

  • Teach time management skills like prioritizing and planning projects

  • Teach organizational skills like using calendars, planners, and to-do lists

  • Teach test-taking and study skills like how to effectively take notes, review information, and manage test anxiety

  • Monitor grades and schoolwork completion

  • Help students set and monitor meaningful academic goals

  • Guide students when problem solving school challenges

  • Support students experiencing school stress

  • Highlight student strengths and successes

  • Use a system of rewards for motivation

Educational coaching is often combined with home and/or school collaboration to increase effectiveness.

Educational Consultation

Educational consultation focuses on supporting you and your student within the school system. It involves the educational consultant meeting with you, teachers, and/or school staff to discuss the educational needs of your student. The educational consultant also provides assistance with

  • Assessing student needs

  • Planning appropriate supports (e.g., accommodations)

  • Developing individualized academic and behavior plans

  • Coordinating supports across home and school

  • Providing information about student rights, school processes, and best practices

  • Training on how to provide supports

  • Monitoring student progress

  • Problem solving educational barriers

  • Advocating for student supports

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Signs of Success


  • Academic performance

  • Confidence in academic abilities

  • Parent and student advocacy


  • School frustration

  • Avoidance of academic tasks

  • Confusion about the school system

Want to know more about how we can help?